Monday, January 25, 2010


Since Monday sucks,and none of you ever really read or give a crap what I write,
let me just babble on about on about my hopes and dreams as if ANYONE gives a good
old fashion flying fuck! WHO'S WITH ME?
First off, my beloved Akita, OZZY, passed away. Being that he had every fucking canine
medical problem known to veterinary science, I'm thankful for the time we had with him.
Hell,towards the end, he started tapping out "SHOOT ME" with his giant paw in Morse code.
The artist formerly known as a human being, and my first X wife, blames me.
Then again, when little Korean kids fart the alphabet next to a
'Monkey meat on a stick stand", in down town Seoul, she blames me as well.
I, in turn, blame her for escaping HELL, and hiding out here, on earth.
You say "SCUNT", I say "SKANK"-
(Skunt, is my own creation, a hybrid of CUNT and SKANK-)
I felt that getting a text from her, at 6:30 a.m., Christmas morning,
explaining to me that she took MY KIDS to Florida, with her nasty looking, tubby ass
Waukegan scumbag,warranted the word CUNT as being too good of a word for her.
Needless to say, I spent Christmas ANGRY AND VERY VERY VERY DRUNK,
Santa Claus is a fat ass bitch.


jeannie martini said...

That's awful, but can't you start throwin' the book at her? Isn't it unlawful to take your kids out of state without your permission? Start documenting all these things. Mistake on her part for the text. Save all the little as well as big evidence against her. Then WHAM!

Anyway, since when do the sisters not care about our Johnny wohnny? Who's always there with wisdom, wittiness, and insightful commentary? Hmmmmm??????

Ubermilf said...

I'm sure you haven't exactly been a saint yourself, but there have to be visitation rules laid out somewhere, right?

I just remember how pissed off she got when that one crazy lady just kinda flirted with you on your blog. I don't know how people can know how painful it is to be cheated on, then cheat on someone else.

I don't care if you are an asshole. If my husband was an asshole, I'd leave his ass FIRST before taking up with someone else. Someone else being an asshole is no excuse for YOU to act like an asshole.

And the new boyfriend never loves the kids like their own father. She's fooling herself if she thinks Mr. Fat Waukegan is going to be their new daddy.

I've completely lost my train of thought now. What was I saying?

jeannie martini said...

Ubes, your train of thought was this: Johnny should stop be a Hungarian Hothead, and start using his smarts about the situation.

Tuck your head out of your ass, and fly right. The rest will follow.

For starters, get totally involved with your kid's life. Set up teacher conferences with their teachers (you don't have to wait till the school's appointed time, you have rights as a parent to ask for one at anytime) and go to every single sporting or activity event they have. Let your kids know you are there for them. If your X and other irritants are there, suck it up and ignore them.

jeannie martini said...

I think Johnny's mad at you ubes.

Monkey said...


That Christmas morning thing was low. Nasty, smelly and low.

I have an x. I have four xes. xs? x's?

Poor Monkey. I need a new ID. He doesn't deserve these kind of revelations under his name.